Got It For Cheap (GIFC) is a traveling art show curated by artists Charlie Roberts and Chris Rexroad. The goal of GIFC is to make buying original art accessible to all people and to give young artists a platform to both sell their work and be exposed to a worldwide audience. With each drawing priced at €30 or €100, GIFC allows the average person to participate in the contemporary art market—a mission that I can totally get behind! I created a new series of drawings/paintings based on recent 3-dimensional works specifically for this year’s event. Grab ‘em while you can.
Artist Collective FPOAFM's Pate Party 2020 at Boehm Gallery
Artist Collective FPOAFM's Pate Party 2020
Artist Collective FPOAFM presents Pate Party 2020
Feb 6—Mar 3, 2020
Boehm Gallery at Palomar College
1140 West Mission Road
San Marcos, CA 92069
FOD 2019 Print Release Party
FOD 2019 Release Party
Saturday, February 15
700 Lorimer Street, 2nd Fl
Brooklyn, NY 11211
171 drawers spanning the worlds of gallery artists, graphic designers, illustrators, filmmakers, fashion designers, cartoonists, hair stylists, and casual doodlers gather together to celebrate life and shed some creative light and positivity on the complicated subject of death with a group show captured in a time-capsule screenprinted memorial t-shirt.
All are welcome. This year’s edition is going quickly- more details HERE.
Special thanks to all of the 2019 artists, Maya Hayuk & GROWROOM//SHOWROOM , Kayrock Screenprinting , Alethia Weingarten and Jenny Olbrich for print and party support